Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fat People

There is a television show that is quite popular called the Biggest Loser. Basically they take a group of massive fatties, who then compete to see who can shed the most weight during the course of the show.

What cracks me up about these fatties is how often after they have lost loads of weight, they say how differently people treat them. They are AMAZED at how shallow people were in judging them because they were over weight. No more nasty looks in clothes shops, no more rolled eyes as they sit down on a crowded tram. No more harsh judgements by society at large basically.

NOTE TO ALL FATTIES: Society judges you harshly because the fact that you are a big, fat, disgusting slob says A FUCKING LOT ABOUT YOU!

Put simply, people treat you with no respect because you treat yourself with no respect. Another thing fatties love to tell you is that they might have some sort of medical condition – “oh I have a glandular problem”. No you do don’t Porky, you have a self control problem.

To all you fatties out there - hear this: whilst you continue to be repulsive and disgusting slobs, people will treat you like repulsive and disgusting slobs. Your complete failure to take any responsibility for your fatness is a failure by you. Deal with it. Others have, you can too.




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