Monday, March 20, 2006

The Dutch Legend Continues

I am seriously thinking of moving to the Netherlands. They are the most ingenious people on earth. Several years ago a famous independent film maker was killed by a Muslim for making a movie about the treatment of woman in the religion of Islam. Subsequently a newspaper decided run a competition to publish some cartoons of Allah. The idea was to see how far self censorship had gone when it came to Islam because of the threat of violence that some of the more wacko Muslims like to dish out. As a result, there was massive violence dished out by said wacko's and many involved in the competition are now in hiding. Kind of proves the point really.

Anyway, as a result of this, and a growing concern amongst the liberal minded Dutch about the negative influence certain immigrants are having on their culture (Muslims aren't specifically mentioned), the Dutch government has recently sent a new 1 hour movie that they put together to all their consulates around the world to be given out to people wanting to move there. It shows some samples of things you will likely encounter by being a Dutch citizen. For example people enjoying some marijuana in one of Amsterdams famous cafe's, a topless woman emerging from the ocean on a public beach with other equally scantily clad people lying about, and a gay couple kissing on a park bench. Not too controversial one would have thought. Not to the liberal minded Dutch anyway.

The idea behind this is that if want to apply for Dutch citizenship, you go home and watch the video. If you can't stomach it, well then you might have some problems living in the Netherlands. That is awesome. Of course some fuckwits argued that this was not an appropriate way to welcome potential immigrants to their country because it "might be offensive to Muslims". I seriously hope someone went round to these fools houses and explained a few cold hard facts to these do-gooders. 1. EVERYTHING is offensive to Muslims, and if isn't they will twist it around until it is. and 2. The fact that it might be offensive to Muslims is the freaking point. If you don't like what you see on the movie, then just fuck off some place else.



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