Tuesday, February 07, 2006

crazy hypocritical muslims

I know it isn't just me, but I needed to vent on this - the hypocrisy of segments of the Muslim community. Certain segments are so offended by some cartoons of Allah - drawn by people who aren't Muslims, and therefore actually have no requirement to follow the rules of Islam, that they have burned down buildings, demanded beheadings and forced the cartoonists into hiding. The Muslim community say they want tolerance and sensitiveity to their beliefs. Or what, they will torch your house and chop your head off! That's hardly a double standard is it. Tolerance goes both ways.

What is worse, is that it really doesn't seem they want tolerance and understanding at all, they mostly seem to want to pick fights. These cartoons were after all shown months ago, but only now is there an uproar. If the Muslim community, in a logical and respectful way voiced their objections to the cartoons initially and let that be that, most people around the world wouldn't have known or cared about these cartoons. So who exactly do you think it was taking these cartoons and agitating the rest of the muslim world. Psycho extremist bloody muslims thats who.

The hypocrisy doesn't end there either. go into almost any Islamic book store and you will find plenty of literature condemning Jews and Christians and calling for jihad against them. Theres you tolerance and understanding right there.

In yet another great example, here in Australia, the main man Muslin recently denied Osama Bin laden had anything to do with the September 11 attacks. He claimed it was the work of the Jews. uh huh. Oddly, or is that sadly, this load of crap is not limited to just Australia. Clerics around the world often sprout this line. So can anyone tell me why in the middle east protestors of the cartoons were seen cheering and applauding the Sept 11 Hijackers for there wonderful attack on the evil west? Apparently it was the Jews when it is convenient, but, sometimes, it is also the great Muslim martyrs.

look, this religion is, I am sure a beautiful thing. However, it has been so badly corrupted by people so full of hate that it is just getting embarrassing. I am going to make it my mission to continue to expose hypocrisies of the way certain people use Islam. I welcome all open debate and if I am shown that Islam and the way it is practised today is all hunky dory and about peace (as Muslims often like to say - usually just after they have blown up a bus or something), I will be the first to shout it from the roof tops.

Stay Tuned



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