Sunday, March 05, 2006

Stupid Television Part 1

Last week whilst driving home from work I heard an advertisment for that nights edition of A Current Affair. The top story was Princess Mary's anti-ageing secrets. What the F#*k! She recently just turned 34 so I am guessing number 1 on her list of secrets to looking young would have to be - Don't be freaking old!

If there was a need for some story filler to pad this out (and I am guessing there was), perhaps number 2 could have been - Live a stress free life by having servants take care of all the housework, cooking, and when things get tough, the baby, and reduce financial worries by living off the tax payers of Denmarks money. Needless to say, I wasn't rushing home to watch this contrived bulldust.

Speaking of ACA, also whilst driving home last week, Triple M had a segment asking callers to phone in and with their opinions of who would win a fight between Tracy Grimface, and Naomi "F*#king, F*#k Off!" Robson. Now there is some television I would rush home for!


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