Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brokeback Heath

I recently saw Brokeback Mountain. It has created quite a fuss. God knows why, I thought we had all accepted that there are in fact, shock horror, gay people living amongst us everywhere. Well everywhere except the AFL. Anyway, in Australia where we are a very supportive to our performing artists (with the exception a small segment of the paparazzi who deem it appropriate to spray water pistols at Heath. I would LOVE to have seen them try that on Russell Crowe and not - quite deservedly - get their head punched in) there has been much hype about his performance in the film. Talk of Oscar's etc has filled the Australian press.

Now I will be buggered (excuse the pun) if anyone can tell me why you should get an academy award for a movie in which your character, the main character, doesn't actually say anything you can understand. No shit, it is Mumbles Ledger for 2 hours. I defy anybody to tell me what exactly he says at the very end when he is in the tralier home looking at the shirt. This film almost needed subtitles it was that hard to understand.

Look, maybe if Heath really did bend over and take in in the arse - I would be right behind him. Ah, supporting his nomination for an academy award that is.



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