Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Pay

Like nearly every guy I know, when it comes to Valentines Day, I hate it. I hate that it has been commercialised beyond belief. I hate that it falls 2 weeks after my wifes birthday and 1 week before our wedding anniversary and quite frankly, it all gets a bit much to throw in St V's Day. I hate that, despite the well understood laws of supply and demand and their impact on price, everything is jacked through the roof so doing something special is so costly it makes me feel like I am being ripped off and made a fool of. But most of all I hate that women expect flowers at work and dinner etc and you are made to feel like a stingy piece of shit if you don't comply with these demands.

Don't get me wrong, perhaps I am stingy piece of shit, however, I don't like the feeling of being bullied into showing my love for someone. When it comes to showing the love and affection, I am all for it. In fact, it is fair to say, that when it comes to showing love to my wife, I would spend a fair amount of time thinking up new and original ways of doing so.

I think it is much more special if you do it off your own bat, and on your own terms. I mean really, how special does a girl feel when on Valentines Day she receives flowers at work? This is after all the same day EVERY OTHER FUCKING GIRL AT WORK RECIEVES FLOWERS! Compare this to how special a girl would feel upon receiving some flowers on a cold wintery day in July - with a little note that simply says - "Just because I love you!"

Romance is a truly terrific and beautiful thing. Giving someone you love a surprise treat makes everyone feel better about life. Bullying marketing tactics that guilt guys into doing things, just tends to make people feel - FUCKING ANGRY AT THE WORLD!

Also, why should a guy be made to do all the giving. Surely love goes both ways. My wife and I have adopted a novel apporach to Valentines Day. We flipped for who would do the gift buying and dinner planning etc. We will alternate years. This may be a bit stupid because we have a joint bank account, and, well, we will both still end up paying, but as a concept it sits well with me. I lost the coin toss so next year I am sorting out the romance. I wonder if some of the bigger brothels do a Valentines Day special? I can just imagine it

CJ: do you do a Valentines Day Special for the wife and I?
Brothel: Um, usually it is just for,er, single guys....
CJ: We'll take it!

Just kidding.

Feel the Love. I flows freely - not because someone has told me I have to.



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