Monday, March 20, 2006

Bring it on!

In todays Melbourne Age:

A cracker of a story about the plight of the humble cheerleader in the US. Apparently there is a bit of a backlash from the Christain conservatist's against the overtly sexual nature of teenage girls that are dancing around in support of the team. These groups, for reasons I cannot even begin to fathom, think that young girls in skimpy outfits dancing provocatively is, get this, a bad thing. That it leads to some terrible behaviour such as:

In Boston, members of a high school cheerleading squad produced "a homemade lesbian porno video". I thought cheerleading porn was a genre unto itself. Right on girls, cash in on the craze.

In Minnesota, a cheerleader paid $50 to have a rival beaten up. Hey, it is a dog eat dog world.

In Brooklyn, kids at a school "pep rally" heckled, punched, kicked and then battered a cheerleader they considered "mediocre" with a garbage can. This is inexcusable. That school should never have allowed someone of mediocirty to become a cheerleader. They have a lot answer for in subjecting their students to this sort of thing.

In Pennsylvania, a mob of drunken cheerleaders, doped up with malt liquor by their coach, went on a car-trashing rampage. The coach was probably hoping for more of a Boston type response.

In Texas, teen cheerleaders were accused of sending a "shit pizza" to their local rivals. Hmmm, food for thought. I'm not touching that one

And - most famously - last year in Florida, two Carolina Panthers cheerleaders were arrested after one of them hit a woman who objected to the "Top Cats" having sex with each other in a bar toilet stall. Now there is a mental imagine! Obviously the objecting woman wouldn't do well in my adopted second home of the Netherlands.

Other classic comments:

"If a daughter of mine wanted to be a cheerleader, I would boil her alive," claims Marty Beckerman. "But not till I killed her, just until I killed her dreams.

However, and this really cracks me up, when asked if his SON wanted to be a cheerleader this was his response "I'd drag him behind my truck till he died."

Marty is probably the wrong person to ask about cheerleading though. He did author a book called "Death to all cheerleaders". I bet that is a great read. Also, Marty was fired at 16 from his job as a school journalist for asking a 13 year old cheerleader "what it felt like to be a Urine stain on the toilet seat of America". I am sensing some latent hostility. Do you think it is remotely possible that Marty is big, fat, and ugly and was humiliated when the cheerleader he asked to go to the high school prom with him laughed in his face? Marty really needs to get out more. Perhaps Boston.

American's, God Bless em.



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