Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Driving Lights F-Wits

What the fuck is going on with fucking fuckhead, fuckwit, dickhead, tool head wankers driving around CBD area's on clear nigths with their driving lights on (I am so eloquent).

I live in a city (Melbourne) which has bad enough peak hour traffic without having to endure being blinded by complete knobheads driving home from work with their driving lights on. To clarify, and I looked this up, driving lights are designed to be used for conditions when your regular head lights aren't sufficient. The examples most frequently given in my research were off road driving at night (i.e. where there are no street lamps), or in heavy fog when visibility is low.

Quite frankly, I just can't see driving home on well lit city roads in clear conditions as meeting any of the above criteria. I am almost to the point of carrying around a golf club and waiting for the next 4WD to pull up behind me with their lights blazing, then getting out and fixing the problem. Worse still, these faggots who drive around with their driving lights on, actually have to make a conscientious decision to switch them on. Regular car headlight switches don't turn driving lights on. These people have to make a decision to be a fucking annoying prick, they aren't just pricks by accident.

And don't think I am a 4WD drive hater by the way. I have no issues with 4WD vehicles on the roads. Most modern 4WD drives are really just bigger versions of cars anyway and don't actually go anywhere near off road unless the driver accidently gets lost. Also, it isn't just 4WD drive owners who have adopted the driving light habit, it is regular car owners too. Particularly, and this is just an observation, so don't read too much into it, Subaru Impreza drivers. Do these idiots think they are actually in the World Rally Championship. A quick bout of road rage ought to quickly shatter that illusion.

until next time



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