Sunday, May 07, 2006

Shane Warne

I love Shane Warne. He has such great technique. His ability to get the ball to twist in all directions is just amazing. People often don’t give him enough credit for the hard work he puts into perfecting his craft. He just wears the opposition down with his force of will and iron clad concentration. I am of course talking about his chasing of women. The guy is clearly a sex maniac. And quite frankly, that’s what I think Aussie men love about him.

Sure he is the highest test wicket taker in the history of the sport. This is bloody marvellous and all. But if that was just it, we would all be politely clapping and saying “well bowled Shane”, and that’s about it. However, the fact that he has, with virtually no shame about it, used his position as the games best bowler, to get into the pants of as many women as possible is something really that elevates his status in the eyes of his fellow man. Make no mistake ladies, most men, in his position, would do exactly the same thing. If you think otherwise, you are fooling yourselves (think David Beckham, think the ENTIRE ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE, think Wayne Carey, think Lance Armstrong - see a pattern here).

In case you missed his latest off field effort here is a link you will enjoy. This pretty much sums up why we love Warnie so much.

Now Shane, if we could only get you to write your own tour diary. That would be an eye opening read.




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