Thursday, December 28, 2006

When Retailers Don't Understand

I was in the petrol station today. Not one of your little ones, I am talking about one of these big petrol stations that more resembles a small super market. Whilst wandering around inside I noticed that they were selling DVD’s. There is nothing too unusual about this in these types of stores these days. What was odd however was that one of the DVD’s for sale was Disk 3 of season 2 of the television series ‘24’. I looked around the DVD section to see if the rest of the series was available but apparently it wasn’t.

Now I am no retail marketing genius but what do you think the chances are that some shopper is going to be driving up to the petrol station, filling up, going into the store and seeing disk 3 of series 2 of the television show ‘24’, and saying – “Wow, I have been looking for disk 3 of season 2 for ages! What luck!”? How about slim to fucking none.

Also n the store was Star Wars Episode 3, Top Gun, Superman Returns. All of these titles I can understand. But then random disk 3, season 2 of 24 pops up and I have to ask – What the Fuck is going on at Shell HQ?

Anyway, Merry Christmas all. If you do happen to be looking for disk 3 of season 2 let me know and I will tell you where it is.




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