Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How Have I Survived?

I am the proud father of a nearly 2 year old son. He occasionally wakes up with his little morning glory in full swing so to speak. It is pretty funny. On the weekend when he woke up, both my wife and I went in to say hello and change his nappy. I was distracting him whilst my wife was removing his old nappy. First thing in the morning and there he was standing to attention. We both had a little giggle at this. Then the warm fuzzy, family friendly moment turned to absolute horror.

As my wife was about to do up the new nappy she folded his little stiffy DOWN! “My God Woman, What Are You Doing????” I very quickly quizzed. “Just tucking him in” she replied sweetly. I very quickly and very seriously explained the correct action is to just let it rest upright and subside back into his nappy.

Bizarrely, when pushed for further explanation as to why she tried to bend the little guy down her explanation provided this gem “It was sticking straight up at 90 degrees. It was a 50/50 choice between bending him up or bending him down.” I thought to myself, what a ridiculous rationale. It is like a surgeon saying “look I could neatly slice this patient open with a scalpel or I could crank up the chain saw, it is a 50/50 decision.”

Apparently it never occurred to her that bending DOWN a Stiffy is just not cool. I still can’t get over it. Anyway, much to my sons delight, I have now made this a 100/0 choice in favour of bending him up towards the abdomen. Poor little guy.




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