Monday, August 07, 2006

Dean Jones - You Knobhead

Former Australian test cricketer Dean Jones was today sacked for calling South African player Hashim Amla a “terrorist”. Amla, a devout Muslim, had just taken a catch to dismiss a Sri Lankan batsman when Jones said “the terrorist has got another wicket”.

This in itself is all pretty sad, but what makes it even more so is that in Jones’s apology he actually said this

“I am truly sorry to have caused offence to anybody and the last thing I intended was to be disrespectful”.

I have pondered this long and hard, and no matter how I look at it, it could only have been meant in a disrespectful way. I just can’t imagine saying to any Muslim in the current political climate, you’re a Muslim, and therefore, you must be a terrorist, and them taking it as a compliment.

However, jones to his great credit, then trotted out this

“The irony is that I am great friends with most of the Pakistan team and they are all Muslims”. Yep, the old, some of my best friends are terrorists, oops, I mean Muslims.

Nice one Deano. Dickhead.


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