Friday, July 14, 2006

Viva the Frogs

I read in the paper today that the French are actually launching a legal challenge to the validity of the World Cup Final result on the grounds that the referee used video footage to make the decision to send Zidane off. This is very much against FIFA rules. It will be interesting to see how far this gets. From what I have read about FIFA, they could save themselves the trouble of going to court and just offer FIFA some bribes directly. Then, amazingly, FIFA's internal investigation will reveal that the ref did use video evidence and the game would be replayed. The problem with this is that when it comes to bribery in Soccer, the Italians are the masters and no doubt would make a few well placed payments of their own to ensure the result turns out to be the same.

Speaking of Zidane and his famous send off here is a corker of a link. Like myself, there obviously some people out there with way too much time on their hands.

Between the soccer court action, the no muslim headscarf rule they have at their schools, and the term "menage a trois"I am really beginning to warm to the French.




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