Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup Exposes Disgusting "Aussies"

The World Cup is over. Those cheating, diving, drama queen Italians won. That, in itself doesn’t actually bother me as much as the sight of all the third generation Italians in Lygon St screaming “Italia, Italia” at the top of their voices with the level of excitement that should be reserved for special occasions such as say, Eva Longoria turning up at your house wanting the shagging of a life time, and willing to give you as many chances as you require in order to get it right.

Right, you un-patriotic, traitorous wankers, here are the rules for supporting any country other than Australia, and the appropriate level of celebration.

If you were actually born in that country, you are welcome to cheer them on in any manner you deem fit, and are also allowed to celebrate with the previously mentioned Eva Longoria type of enthusiasm. Unless you are playing Australia, in which case, as you fucking well live here you better fucking well support our fucking country you ungrateful cunts.

If your heritage is that of another country (i.e. your parents, or grandparents were born there), you are also allowed to support this country in any event as long as you are not playing Australia. Again, if your other country is playing Australia, you fucking well better support fucking Australia. I mean, you were fucking born, raised, educated etc here you stupid fucking twits. That does make you an Australian. Further to this, any celebrations should your second team (i.e. not Australia) win, should be restrained to at most, a little bit of drunkenness and some polite cheering. Especially when your second team knocked out your first team by cheating through a soft cock dive to get a penalty.

If you feel you can’t comply with these rules, then seriously, what the fuck are you doing living here? You obviously see our country as second rate, so how about you fuck off to where you think the beter country is. Let me make this crystal fucking clear, I have no issue what so ever of people wanting to come to Australia to make a better life. However, a little bit of gratitude to the country providing this better life through supporting our sporting teams wouldn’t go astray. I mean really, is it that fucking hard?

And just in case you think I don’t know what the fuck I am talking about (what would ever give you that idea?), I am a third generation Pom. My second team is England. However, whenever Australia plays England in ANYTHING, I am hoping to hell we kick the shit out of them. And if England won the World Cup, I doubt my jubilation would extend much beyond a “well isn’t that nice”. I certainly wouldn’t be running in public around in the white and red singing God Save the Fucking Queen. Seriously, those tools chanting “Italia” over and over who have been born and bred here should be fucking ashamed of themselves.


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