Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hippie: Short for Hypocrite

Hippies are an interesting conundrum in today’s society. Lots of Hippies I have met over the years have been pleasant, normal human beings. Except when it comes to ‘Nature’. At this point, it would seem that their ability to think logically has been removed.

I say this because of several funny things I have read about in the last week. Firstly, in drought stricken Victoria, the second worst offending suburb for % increases in water use, was Hippie central - Fitzroy. Fitzroy East, has the HIGHEST percentage of Green (as in the political party) voters of any electorate in the country. My logic may be flawed here in that I am by association implying Green voters are Hippies, but, lets face it, given the Green’s policies are basically centred around the environment as a precedence over all other factors, it isn’t too much of a stretch.

So despite all the calls for reduced water consumption by the state government, and all the (very important) hoo hah at the last election about what a vital issue water was, it was the Hypocritical Hippies who are amongst the worst offenders at not reducing consumption. On the plus side for the Hippies, it does dispel the myth that they are all smelly. I mean Fitzroy is hardly laden with big back yards that need watering so I am assuming they were just taking longer, or more, showers.

The other really funny thing I read this week, and this one appeals to me on so many levels, is The Big Switch Off. This is where Hippies are encouraging people to shut off all electrical items, mobile phones, etc, not use cars (public transport is ok), and not set foot in any building that is using electricity (unless you are buying ice for your ice box to keep your food from going to off. Never mind that the ice is kept cold by electrical driven items, or that the ice is in fact formed by electrical driven items). They are also encouraging people to sign up their work places to the cause. Possibly because that would then mean no work could be done – a concept no doubt close to any Hippie heart.

Anyway, the idea is that it will allow people to see what it is like to not be so dependant on fossil fuels for energy, and allow a deeper level of thought about the effects of so called man made global warming, and of course, to minimise the “global warming footprint” they leave for the weekend. This is all great of course, except that there is still no actual definitive scientific proof that it is man made gasses from our industrial world that is causing global warming, nor that global warming is even actually happening (average global temperatures over the last five years have actually decreased).

Of course, being a global warming sceptic puts me in a minority, but haven't you all heard we once had an ice age, now it is much warmer. AND IT WAS MUCH F*#KING WARMER WELL BEFORE WE ENTERED THE INDUSTRIAL AGE AND STARTED SPEWING OUR SO CALLED GREENHOUSE GASSES EVERYWHERE. The Earth just got warmer on its own you dumb bastards. Who is to say it isn’t happening again.

Anyway, back to the big switch off. This weekend the weather is forecast at 31 and 37 degrees (no doubt offering proof to the global warming conspiracy theorist hippies that global warming is happening – never mind it is in fact SUMMER, which, in case you all forgot, is generally hot). So to all those Hippies who are enjoying the Big Switch Off, have fun suckers. You might not leave a big global warming footprint, but I am betting you will leave a big bloody global warming sweat stain on the couch. No cold drinks for you, no air con, no fans, nothing. Just you and your hemp made clothes and lots of suffering. You can’t even go to the local pool to cool off because they will be using electricity. Ha ha. Of course, knowing the Hypocritical Hippies, they will just have long cold showers to cool down.

DIE HIPPIES DIE! Er, sorry, Freudian Slip, I meant SUFFER HIPPIES, SUFFER! To every one else, have a great weekend. Enjoy the weather. Try not to use up too much water.



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