Thursday, January 11, 2007

"I am not doing it for the money!"

David Beckham today announced he is signing on to play soccer for the next 5 years with the LA Galaxy in the US soccer league (MLS). The deal is for $250M USD and is believed to be the richest in sporting history.

I often find it difficult to comprehend how some of these sporting clubs pay out the wages they do. Obviously they manage somehow. And no doubt some bean counter has worked out that where David Beckham is playing his presence will sell more tickets, more club merchandise, raise television ratings etc enough to suffciiently cover his salary. And in all likelihood it would. America is a big market and Becks is a very big star in international football.

I am also not begrudging Becks, or any other star for earning these huge sums of money (although the lost privacy argument that celebrities and sports stars spew forth occasionally gives me the shits. “Oh woe is me, due to my being so famous I can’t drive my (inconspicuous) Ferrari Enzo down to Starbucks at 10Am (because I don’t really have a proper job) without getting mobbed” – the really only appropriate response to this is – shut the fuck up you rich, lucky prat).

However, what really amazes me is these type of great quotes – “I am not doing this for the money”. Right.

David Beckham, English captain at the last 2 World Cups, kicker of freakish free kicks, arguably a very talented footballer (soccer player, whatever), Posh Spice's Man Bag, sales flogger of all things related to…, well, actually sales flogger of all things, is moving to LA to play football. But not for the money. Because as we all know, LA, home of the LA Dodgers, the LA Lakers etc, is not about money, it is a hot bed of soccer challenges.

LA is where all the great players play. That is where Becks can prove himself up to the challenge. To show the world he can compete with the best of the best and earn his place amongst them. This is where he can prove that he is truly worthy of being called a ‘Galactico’! LA is where great footballers go when they want to prove that they can cut the mustard at the top and regularly appear in the first team.

Oh wait, my mistake. That place isn’t LA, its Real Madrid. Um, David, do you mind if I have a word……….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woody good to see your still on your game

Beck's signing in LA has been all over the news what you mind find intresting is that the $250 million is not even close to the correct figure. it is more like $125 million (still not shabby for a guy who has never been the best player on his team until he gets to LA) and of the $125 million the bulk is comming from adidas ad other sponsors. Now for the bit you might like..The MLS put the $250 million out there as a way of attracting more attention..when in fact all the talk has been negative. The US has no intrest in Soccer and even when Pele played here there was barely a murmour and he was a much better player than Beck's could ever dream of been. Although Becks has his on cologne and Pele endorse erection correction (say that 3 times fast) medcine. Hmmm not sure what that means. Love your work and keep it up!

9:55 PM  

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