Wednesday, August 01, 2007

So Many Fools, So Much Money To Be Made!

Today there was an article in the Age newspaper that typifies just how amazingly brain dead some people are when it comes to climate change. The article was discussing the search engine Blackle. This is basically a search engine that touts itself as an eco-friendly version of Google. It is apparently eco friendly because its screen is black instead of the Google white. The idea is that this black screen requires less energy than the white screen and therefore is reducing electricity. Unfortunately the energy savings don't add up. However, this hasn't stopped the popularity of this search engine sky-rocketing through the roof since its launch earlier this year.

Also rather conveniently sky-rocketing has been the advertising revenue made by its creators. The headline of the article says it all really "Search Engine Cashes in on Eco-Guilt". It joins the ranks of other Eco-Cash ins such as Al Gore who makes millions from films and books about the need to reduce carbon emissions then flies all around the world spewing forth more carbon emissions to promote them. Then goes home to one of his 3 huge houses happy in the knowledge he has sucked more dollars out of the ever growing numbers of "desperate to do anything eco-idiots".

Eco-idiots are so keen to ease their guilt over their modern lifestyles that they will do any old thing to make themselves feel better. Attend a few free rock concerts. Turn out the lights in a small part of Sydney for 1 single hour on 1 single night. Replace a few light bulbs. I could easily list many more useless symbolic gestures people do to make themselves feel better about the environment. However, ask most people to make an actual meaningful sacrifice (as per my last blog post) and few people would be willing to, or are actually doing anything. I have had countless disucssions with my friends who think Global Warming is a serious threat to mankind, yet most of them actually make less effort to reduce emissions than I do.

Seriously, Green Guilt is the biggest money making scam since god knows what. Like all good business ideas it attacks an insecurity (think beauty products, think fat loss products, oh yeah). My next business venture is going to totally take advantage of the irrational need of Eco-dimwits need to confess via their wallets.

And the first thing I am going to do with my profits is buy a Hummer. And drive it all the time, even when it is not necessary. then I am going to take lots of overseas holidays to places onthe guise of seeing first hand how global warming is effecting things. First stop, Hawaii. I sure hope the weather is warm there when I want to go to the beach and see the rising sea levels.

So if anyone has some good ideas about how to save the environment please let me know. No idea is too usless. The less effort required by people to save their Green souls the better as it will mean people are more likely to do it. Please post all suggestions in the comments section of this blog.




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