Monday, July 09, 2007

Eco-Hypocrites - Are you one?

Live Earth was held this weekend and I nearly was sick from all the hypocrisy. Firstly the idea in the first place was just plain stupid. A series of rock concerts around the world to promote the issue of Climate Change! For fucks sake, how many people aren't already aware of climate change? Not many.

And who is performing in this series of concerts? Rock stars and movie stars (Al Gore was introduced in the New Jersey concert by Leo DiCaprio). You have got to be fucking kidding me. One of the biggest causes of greenhouse gas emissions is aeroplane travel. Rock stars and movie stars would have to be one of the single most jet setting professions known to man.

And these guys don't fly regular airways, it is private jets for them. Very eco-friendly. And then think about the average house of a rock star. I am guessing very few of this lot are doing their bit for the environemnt by living in energy efficient, eco-friendly, minimal size requirement houses. No fucking way. It is huge sprawling mansions all the way. And most often it isn't just one huge sprawling mansion, it is 3 or 4, scattered around the world meaning they have to fly to even see all their houses!

Al Gore is the original and worst offender of this Green Hypocrisy. He owns 3 big mansions, he regularly flies in a private jet (all around the world promoting books and movies that suggest we reduce our, er, aeroplane travel), and was recently quoted as saying he is trying to reduce the amount fo private jet travel. Nice one Al, reduce down that private jet travel, you hero.

Our own Kevin Rudd is another of these Green idiot hypocrites with minimal effort token gestures towards saving the environment. He is basically running for PM of Australia on the platform of the environment. He bangs on all the time about how we must reduce emissions. Blah blah blah. It was only recently, until the media picked him up on his own hypocrisy, that his government car of choice was a gas guzzling FWD.

It gets better for Kevvy. Asked what he was doing to reduce his carbon footprint his response was a very re-assuring - "I am looking to replace the light globes with more energy efficient ones". Well there we go, crisis solved, Krudd is changing the bulbs. Whoopdy do!

Speaking of changing the globes, would someone please turn the lights on in Oprahs head. She recently had her "Green Show". In it she gave all the audience environmentally friendly light globes. Nice one Oprah. Do you think that will offset your carbon footprint of two years ago when you famously gave everyone in the audience a brand new car. And they weren't small bio-fuel cars either. Oprah, you is one dumb mofo, perhaps you need to chill out in the giant pool in one of your giant mansions.

Vanity Fair in its recent Green Issue, alongside all its feel good articles about what we can do to reduce our greenhouse emissions ran ads for luxury cars. The list goes on. And on and on. Today at work I saw a girl wearing a Live Earth T-shirt. I am probably saying too much here but I, and this girl for that matter, both work for one of the BIGGEST jet aeroplane manufacturers in the world. Seriously, it took all my will power not to punch the stupid moron.

Madonna has copped criticism for perfoming in Live Earth for investing in some of the biggest carbon emitting companies going around. Organizers of the Live Earth concerts defended Madonna by saying it is about the future, not the past. Right then, so going forward Madonna will not be touring the world, will be selling all but the smallest of her many houses, and selling her investments in the polluters? Yeah and pigs might fly.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge a rock star, or a movie star, or even Uber-Hypocrite Al Gore his wealth or jet setting lifestyle. More power to these guys. But all I ask is that they pull their heads out of their collective freaking assholes and stop preaching to me to cut my emissions by curbing my lifestyle, when they clearly have no intention of doing the same.

In the end, what has Live Earth achieved exactly? Lets see, it raised no money because it was free (therefore making it as completely useless as the 'Make Poverty History' concerts that also raised zero money. That really helped the starving Africans Bono). It probably had a very small impact into the total level of awareness of the issue. It probably had an even smaller impact on people curbing their life styles. It used a shit load of carbon emitting electricity to produce. And to top it all off China will have built a new coal fired power station by Friday so fuck you Greenies. Nice try, change some more light bulbs you dickheads.

Look, there is one final point I should make. There are actually people out there who are trying to make a difference. These are the joe average people who believe so passionately about climate change that, despite having the means to live otherwise, they choose to not drive a car. They choose to have smaller, environmentally friendly houses. In other words, they actually practice what they preach. These guys I have a lot of respect for. Rock stars, movie stars, and Al Gore don't deserve any respect or credit. They are hypocritical eco-terrorist scum.

If you truly believe we need to reduce our carbon emissions and feel so passionately about saving the planet, don't support their films. Don't buy their albums. Don't read their books. Take a stand. Better still, if you really want to reduce emissions, don't buy anything from China or the US. But wait there is more. Stop driving your cars. Take cold showers (it will also save water). Turn your heaters and Air Con (in summer). Never use a hair dryer or clothes dryer. Turn your fridge off. What? You aren't doing all of that? But I thought you were passionate about saving the planet. Perhaps, when it boils down to it, you don't really give a shit either!

PS - Anyone else think that the chances that anti-drugs campaigners Peter Garrett and Bono weren't actually smoking joints with Daniel Johns is slim to none. Hypocrites!



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