Lefty Do Gooders Suck balls
I was disgusted to read in the newspaper on the weekend about so called Human Rights lawyers trying to take Madonna to court to have the Malawi boy (David) she adopted returned to his parents on the grounds that the adoption may have been illegal. This is so typical of many of our Lefty "friends". If I recall correctly Davids parents WANTED Madonna to take their son. Why? Because they are not so stupid as to not be able to realize that by Madonna taking their son he would be given opportunities and a life that he otherwise would have no chance of enjoying.
You see David's parents are poverty stricker poor. With no jobs, no money, no nothing they can't be sure that he would have the basics such as a roof over his head or access to food and water (let alone health services, an education etc that Madoona would naturally provide). So now tell me exactly how does taking a child from a life of opportunity and comfort and returning him extreme poverty best serve the human rights of the boy? In short it doesn't. All it does is suit the interests of head up their backside Human Rights lawyers who think they are doing good.
Lets face it, when the F-Wit do-gooders mean they are looking after the boys best interests they really just mean because Madonna is a big celebrity and lefty's get petty and jeolous easily and should be made an example of.
I mean to them, how dare she think she can go to Africa, find a child whose parents can't provide for him, and then undertake a course of action that basically makes everyone happy (parents feel happy because their son will have a chance in life, madonna feels happy because she herself is a bit of a do gooder, boy feels happy because he is poor one minute and FILTHY STINKING RICH the next). This is a win win win situation. But not to Lefty Do Gooders.
This is but one of many examples of people who live in first world comfort who enjoy first world services and opportunities trying their very best to deny third world people those same comforts and opportunities for god knows what reason. I believe it is something to do with a) them being a bit dumber than most people hence the reason they are lefties in the first place, and b) they live under some misgiuded notion that people like living in poverty.
For those interested in seeing a very good example of this in action try and get your hands on a copy of a film called Mine Your Own Business. It is the story about wealthy Lefty Do Gooder Greenpeace activists trying to prevent the construction of a mine in a small town in Eastern Europe.
The film shows the lefty Do Gooders living in beautiful houses, one guy is on camera showing off his new yacht talking, and I am not making this up, about how the people would be much better off being poor! They also talk about the usual Green Left garbage mumbo jumbo on maintaining the purity of the land and the sanctity of the lifestyles the people in the small town lead. In another sickening scene a Lefty Do Gooder woman who drives around in a Mercedes Benz postulates about how lovely it would be to ride a horse every where (the people of the town are so poor very few own a car).
So the fim makers did something radical - they went and asked the people of the town what THEY wanted. Here is the big tip, it wasn't to ride a horse around in freezing winter. No, they wanted jobs, the opportunity to afford heating and food, a car. So back to the lefty Do Gooders they go and when confronted with the video footage of the locals stating outright that they desperately want the mine the LDG's basically state that "they (the locals of the village) don't know what they want". This makes me very angry.
And it should make you angry too. Stupid dimwit lefty greeny do gooders who basically take for granted the comforts they enjoy actively trying to deny these same rights to people in developing nations because they, the retard lefty green dickheads know better is quite frankly outrageous.
I would love to send all the people of this hypocritical persuasion to some remote country where they can live their Utopian existence without annoying the rest of us living in the real world. Here is an idea. Next time Greenpeace or some other brain dead green group (such as our Government which flew 90, yes that is right 90, delegates at a cost of over $500K of your tax payer dollars to Bali to sign Kyoto stating we would be aiming to reduce emissions from er, unecessary flying) come knocking at your door for your money invite them in and make them watch Mine Your Own Business, then feed them hash cookies.
You see David's parents are poverty stricker poor. With no jobs, no money, no nothing they can't be sure that he would have the basics such as a roof over his head or access to food and water (let alone health services, an education etc that Madoona would naturally provide). So now tell me exactly how does taking a child from a life of opportunity and comfort and returning him extreme poverty best serve the human rights of the boy? In short it doesn't. All it does is suit the interests of head up their backside Human Rights lawyers who think they are doing good.
Lets face it, when the F-Wit do-gooders mean they are looking after the boys best interests they really just mean because Madonna is a big celebrity and lefty's get petty and jeolous easily and should be made an example of.
I mean to them, how dare she think she can go to Africa, find a child whose parents can't provide for him, and then undertake a course of action that basically makes everyone happy (parents feel happy because their son will have a chance in life, madonna feels happy because she herself is a bit of a do gooder, boy feels happy because he is poor one minute and FILTHY STINKING RICH the next). This is a win win win situation. But not to Lefty Do Gooders.
This is but one of many examples of people who live in first world comfort who enjoy first world services and opportunities trying their very best to deny third world people those same comforts and opportunities for god knows what reason. I believe it is something to do with a) them being a bit dumber than most people hence the reason they are lefties in the first place, and b) they live under some misgiuded notion that people like living in poverty.
For those interested in seeing a very good example of this in action try and get your hands on a copy of a film called Mine Your Own Business. It is the story about wealthy Lefty Do Gooder Greenpeace activists trying to prevent the construction of a mine in a small town in Eastern Europe.
The film shows the lefty Do Gooders living in beautiful houses, one guy is on camera showing off his new yacht talking, and I am not making this up, about how the people would be much better off being poor! They also talk about the usual Green Left garbage mumbo jumbo on maintaining the purity of the land and the sanctity of the lifestyles the people in the small town lead. In another sickening scene a Lefty Do Gooder woman who drives around in a Mercedes Benz postulates about how lovely it would be to ride a horse every where (the people of the town are so poor very few own a car).
So the fim makers did something radical - they went and asked the people of the town what THEY wanted. Here is the big tip, it wasn't to ride a horse around in freezing winter. No, they wanted jobs, the opportunity to afford heating and food, a car. So back to the lefty Do Gooders they go and when confronted with the video footage of the locals stating outright that they desperately want the mine the LDG's basically state that "they (the locals of the village) don't know what they want". This makes me very angry.
And it should make you angry too. Stupid dimwit lefty greeny do gooders who basically take for granted the comforts they enjoy actively trying to deny these same rights to people in developing nations because they, the retard lefty green dickheads know better is quite frankly outrageous.
I would love to send all the people of this hypocritical persuasion to some remote country where they can live their Utopian existence without annoying the rest of us living in the real world. Here is an idea. Next time Greenpeace or some other brain dead green group (such as our Government which flew 90, yes that is right 90, delegates at a cost of over $500K of your tax payer dollars to Bali to sign Kyoto stating we would be aiming to reduce emissions from er, unecessary flying) come knocking at your door for your money invite them in and make them watch Mine Your Own Business, then feed them hash cookies.
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