Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sophie A -The Fallen Entrepreneur

It has been a while since I posted but yesterday I came across a news story that just fascinated me. The headline read "Sophie Anderton exposed as drug taking prostitute". For those of you who don't know who Sophie Anderton is she is a very high profile model from the UK who aside from her latest saga was also notorious for her cocaine problems whilst dating Australian soccer player Mark Bosnich. Imagine if you will Megan Gale with a coke problem and instead of dating Andy Lee she was dating Ben Cousins and you would have Australia's equivalent.

Anyway, Sophie was busted on camera by a UK newspaper sting operation offering her sexual services for 10,000 GBP for the weekend and doing lines of cocaine as she made this agreement. At first I thought that this was another sad tale of someone with a promising career ruined by drugs. However, I couldn't have been more wrong. it is much much worse. This is the story of someone with a great work ethic and a desire to succeed having her career ruined by moral crusaders.

You see, Sophie wasn't whoring herself about because she needed some cash for a fix like some cheap junkie. No she was whoring herself out because she wanted to pay off her new house a bit quicker. You see apparently she has just bought a new place in swanky Notting Hill and her 100K GBP contract with a fake tan company wasn't covering the payments quick enough.

So what does a girl do? She takes a second job in her free time (weekends). Quite frankly I think she is to be commended. If it wasn't for our preconcieved ideas that prostitution is inherently bad she may have been onto a lucrative new market. Look, I am the first to agree that it is one thing if Sophie was a junkie forced into prostitution out of desperation to get her fix. But it is an entirely different thing if despite already earning over six figures, she decided to take on a bit of weekend whoringto pay off her house a bit quicker. This isn't a sad and sorry story at all. This is a women taking control of her life!

I say to Sophie - you go girl. Be the best drug taking prostitute you can possibly be and pay off that flash new house. Don't let the nay sayers drag you down with their holier than thou attitudes. In this environment of rising interest rates and economic uncertainty I bet it would be great to have the peace of mind of owning the roof over your head. It is disgusting that the moral police have intervened and now notonly is it going to be difficult for Sophie to earn an honest living by putting it out a bit, but has also been sacked from her 100K fake tan contract - neither of which will obviously help much with the loan repayments.

So to Sophia Anderton, my heart goes out to you. You clearly didn't mind doing a bit of whoring on the side, your house could have got paid off quicker, and some lucky rich punter would have got to shag a famous super-model - this my friends isn't a bad thing, this is what should be known as a win win situation. Now due to the intervention of goody goodies Sophie is more thoroughly screwed than she would have been had she gone on the 10K weekend! So very very sad.
It really is high time we moved away from the outdated negative stigma attached to prostitution. After all in many ways lots of people are prostituting themselves out to companies they don't actually care about every day for a lot less than the 10K GBP all expenses paid weekend Sophie was going to get. I know I do. If it wasn't for my wifes bizarre objections that it "would end our marriage" I would happily just work on weekends whoring myself about. What could be better than being your own boss! I could spend a lot more time with the kids during the week too. But no, once again this whole prostitution is bad thing rears its ugly head and I confined to my desk job for a little while longer whilst societies and my wifes moral values catch up to the level of evolution of Sophie's and mine.

